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4 Ways To Detox Your Mind & Reduce Negativity

Brain Space:

Clear your mind and write down your ideas.

From to- do lists to anxious thoughts.

Therapists have observed that clients respond better when they organise their anxious thoughts and write down their incoming thoughts into a journal or a dairy.

This makes them organise their brain space which allows them to understand when and where the thoughts are coming & how they are linking together with the current situation.

A Happy Space :

Clear an intentional space for relaxation & enjoyment.

Giving your brain some time to relax and just enjoy the moment gives it enough space to rejuvenate.

This helps the brain to recover from constant flow of thoughts and motivates the individual to cultivate happy feelings which are necessary to remove negativity.

Reduce Distractions :

Multi-tasking makes you anxious, stressed and distracted.

Try a schedule for each task individually.

Too many things together always gives disastrous results.

Having a proper hour to hour schedule made for each tasks and breaking it down through out a day allievates stress as you don't spend the whole day being anxious about what tasks you need to accomplish.

Reduce Noise :

Unfollow and unsubscribe from what doesn't bring you growth or positivity.

Mindless social media scrolling and unnecessary content consumption creates a vicious circle of information overload.

Reducing the noise created by extreme consumption of impressions on internet and also balancing out who you talk to through out the day will give you ample time to prioritise your schedule and plan your goals appropriately.

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